Starfleet Divisions
Starfleet divisions are specialized organizational structures within Starfleet. Over time many different forms of the Starfleet uniform represented the three main divisions: Command, Operations, Sciences. They are identified by a color code department color, and sometimes a patch or collar insignia.
KJ Ship's Departments
The Katherine Johnson (Chapter/Ship) is divided into nine different departments (although some are under others), grouping crew members by common interests and talents. Currently, these departments are: Command, Operations, Communications (under Ops), Engineering, Medical, Counseling (under Medical), Science, Security, and Tactical/Weapons (under Security). Upon signing on with the Katherine Johnson, each crew member is encouraged to join a department for which they have an interest.
For each Department, a Chief is appointed by the CO. They are encouraged to help implement projects and events in their area of interest for the ship. As determined by the CO and XO, for the good of the Ship, Department Chiefs may also handle certain real-life functions within the chapter that relate to the area of interest of their department.
The following sections briefly describe areas of interest for each department, and related Department Chief duties. These duties may be changed at the discretion of the CO and XO. (NOTE: The KJ "member's only" Chapter Handbook contains the most complete and up to date details concerning KJ ship command, organization, and departments.)
KJ Department Descriptions
The Command Staff is comprised of the Commanding Officer - CO (Chapter President), Executive Officer - XO, & 2nd Officer; they act as the governing body of the ship (Chap.). Command Staff duties include, but are not limited to: formulation & implementation of chapter policies; handling of promotions up to Commander, handling of chapter awards, expediting commendations, enforcing disciplinary procedures, & reviewing the formation of shuttles (newly launching chapters) off the USS Katherine Johnson.
The Chief of Operations - 'Ops' = heads this Department, & supports the Ship's operational needs, including overseeing the Communications Department. 'Ops' is responsible for Social media (primarily the KJ website & Facebook page), training (i.e., STARFLEET Academy), recruiting, fundraising, & stores/merchandise (i.e., mugs, hats, tee shirts, etc.). Graphic arts & design also fall under this department. Ops Department motto is Servitium ad navem! (Service to Ship!)
The Chief of Communications heads this section and is responsible for updating the Chapter Handbook, maintaining the ship's Facebook page and Website, editing and publishing the Ship's newsletter, compiling ship fanfic stories and persona summaries, designing and producing promotional materials, and other duties as needed. The Comms Chief reports to the Chief of Operations as Comms is under Operations.
The Chief Engineer is in charge of this department, which is made up of members who are interested in the fabrication and construction aspects of the Ship. Engineers may offer technical/computer support as needed if they are qualified in real life and are willing to help other members. They are often the go-to for information on ship design and technical information for fan fiction and articles.
The Chief Medical Officer (CMO) is in charge of this department. Unless the member has received an appreciable level of medical training, this is more of a fictional job. The Command Staff prefers to fill this position with some sort of medical professional (i.e., CNA, RN, EMT, etc.) when available. If no member aboard the ship is a medical professional, only a member who is currently trained and certified in both CPR and First Aid may occupy the position.
The duties of this department include keeping track of members' food allergies and important medical information, carrying a first aid kit on all away missions, and assisting with medical situations to the level of the member's own skill and training.
Technically part of the Medical Department, this is more of a fictional job than real-life unless the member has received an appreciable level of counseling training. If the KJ Ship Counselor does not have professional training and certification as such, then he/she will act as the crew's "shoulder to cry on" and the friend people call on to commiserate with over a cup of coffee or tea.
The Counselor's services will not be considered a substitute for professional help if a crew member needs it. The Counselor does not dole out advice, but does act as a source for professional resources dealing with depression, grief, PTSDs, and suicide prevention.
The Chief Science Officer heads this department, which is made up of personnel interested in any field of science. Science personnel help develop and present educational programs, interact with other science organizations, and provide the drive to "seek out…" The crew complement of the Science Department may be made up of fictional roles that are sometimes merged with real roles, e.g., Horticulturalist, Astronomer, Geologist, Biologist, Paranormal Investigator, and so forth.
The Chief of Security heads this department, which sees to the safety of the ship's crew and its materials. The department regularly publishes articles/bulletins in the Chapter newsletter on safety and security topics (i.e. personal safety, computer/internet/home security, etc.). At Conventions, department crew members may oversee the safekeeping of ship's property, and may unofficially assist with security issues if they are trained as security personnel and/or law enforcement officers.
As Tactical/Weapons are part of the Security Department, the Chief Weapons Officer answers to the Chief of Security. This section is made up of members interested in topics such as self-defense, firearms safety training, gun laws awareness, etc.